translation XML 1.0 Specification 20001006

Dear sirs,

I am translating a book on XML (XML The Black Book by Natanya Pitts) in 
which I find an appendix (B) with a copy of the recommendation. Since this 
book is for the Dutch market (and Belgium) I have to translate the 
recommendation into Dutch.

I am starting the translation of the second edition of 6 October 2000 
today, 27. august 2001. And I will finish it by tomorrow., 28. august 2001.

I do have to say I am only translating it. I therefore would like to take 
part in a project to make a good Dutch version of it. Could you help me by 
getting other volunteers to discuss this Dutch version?

You can contact me via e-mail or phone, the information of which you'll 
find below.

I would like to emphasize that this is not a commercial proposition: I have 
to translate this edition and the only thing I would like out of it, is a 
good Dutch version which can take its place in the translated versions, 
next to the Chinese and the Swedish translation etc. I would like to 
participate in this project to make it an excellent Dutch version, and the 
only price I ask is that my name will be in it, together with other 
possible participants.

I do hope you will contact me soon. Thank you in advance,

Yours truly,

Marlou Claessen, MA

Aspiration Language & Communication


(vanaf eind augustus)

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2001 02:34:17 UTC