Re: reforming the grammar notation

At 8:47 AM 7/17/97, Dan Connolly wrote:

>Bert looked into this, and he came up with:

>clearer if Bison had accepted some common notations for grammars. The
>grammar that is actually intended is as follows:
>document: prolog element misc*;
>prolog: VERSION? ENCODING? misc*;
>misc: COMMENT | attribute_decl;
>attribute_decl: ATTDEF NAME attribute+ ENDDEF;
>element: START attribute* empty_or_content;
>empty_or_content: SLASH CLOSE | CLOSE content END NAME? CLOSE;
>content: (DATA | misc | element)*;
>attribute: NAME (EQ VALUE)?;

Attribute declarations outside the prolog?  I hope not.

Dave Peterson

Received on Saturday, 19 July 1997 21:17:38 UTC