Re: Radical cure for BOS confusion (2 CCs deleted).

David wrote:
| I think we need to allow the processing of multiple documents at a time. I
| don't see that this is hard for any but the simplest of applications...
| This kind of simplification make ilinks useful only for a few things. No
| solution to the annotation problem is going to be based on single-document
| parsing, and that could be one of the real selling points of XML (for
| people other than Terry, who would rather not have this feature).

That's a misrepresentation of my point of view and of what I've
written.  I don't want to forbid all annotation functionality to the world,
I want only to be able to control how my documents may be annotated and
transcluded, in those cases where I have a legal right to do so.  And
in this I have plenty of company.

On another point, "XML BOS" is no help at all.  Hytime invented "BOS";
let's let BOS remain a Hytime term and avoid having to explain how an
"XML BOS" differs from a Hytime BOS every time we use the term.

    Terry Allen    Fujitsu Software Corp.
"In going on with these experiments, how many pretty systems do we build,
 which we soon find outselves obliged to destroy?" - Benjamin Franklin
  A Davenport Group Sponsor:

Received on Saturday, 11 January 1997 18:49:10 UTC