FPI's in NOTATION declarations

Not necessarily a bad example when FPI's are used in the NOTATION

One thing to remember is that the FPI registered owner identifier, when
using the ISBN registered owner prefix, is typically manufactured from
the ISBN Publisher's Prefix only, but can be meaningfully manufactured
with a full ISBN.

A full ISBN can be used in an FPI to refer to a concept by pointing to
an instance of publication of that concept. The NOTATION declaration for
TeX could be:

<!NOTATION TeX PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-201-13448-9::Knuth//NOTATION The
<!NOTATION TeX PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-201-13447-0::Knuth//NOTATION The

There are two possible because the first is the paperback and the second
is the hardcover.

In these cases one is not trying to dereference a location, rather, just
trying to dereference a concept or specification.  I don't think that a
SYSTEM identifier with an URL would suffice for this.

This would require XML production [69] ExternalId, which is used in
production [77] NotationDecl, to support 'PUBLIC' as well as the
currently hardwired 'SYSTEM' value (or, of course, add something new to
NotationDecl so that other references to ExternalId in the specification
are not affected).

............ Ken

G. Ken Holman            Tel:  +1 613 596-CADE(2233)    /\ /\
Chief Technology Officer Fax:  +1 613 596-5934          \/ \/   Computer
Microstar Software Ltd.  WATS:  1 800 267-9975        /\     /\ Aided
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Nepean Ontario           Info: cade@microstar.com       /\ /\  
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G. Ken Holman            Phone:  +1 613 489-2987
P.O. Box 266             Street: 1605 Mardick Court
Kars, Ontario
CANADA  KOA-2E0          E-mail: gkholman@CanadaMail.com

Version: 2.6


>	bosak@atlantic-83.Eng.Sun.COM[SMTP:bosak@atlantic-83.Eng.Sun.COM]
>Sent: 	Thursday, November 28, 1996 15:11
>To: 	tallen@fsc.fujitsu.com
>Cc: 	w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org
>Subject: 	Re: Simple solution? Pub. Idents. vs URN.
>[Terry Allen:]
>| ISBNs precisely do identify classes of identical physical objects.
>| The paperback and hardback realizations of the same text (nonphysical
>| object) printed exactly the same way commonly have different ISBNs.
>| Furthermore, sloppy publishers sometimes do not change the ISBN of a
>| book when they issue a revised edition.  ISBNs are about the worst
>| possible illustration of URNs.
>You're right, that was a terrible example.  Legal citations might have
>been better.

Received on Thursday, 28 November 1996 17:13:50 UTC