If I can find time over the weekend I will (with my Chairman hat off
and my Sun Representative hat on) describe the application of FPIs
that we are putting in place at Sun for managing links in Solaris
documentation, and then you will see why I agree strongly with Ken
Holman that FPIs are something that we should have in XML.  For the
moment, however, I would like to go slightly beyond Ken's position by
quibbling with this statement from his excellent post on the subject:

| FPI's that begin "-//" are unregisterable and can _never_ be guaranteed
| to be unique.

This may be true from the wording of the standards, but I maintain
that it's not actually the case in practice.  For example, we are
adopting the convention for SunSoft documents that they are all
assigned unique FPIs that begin "-//SUN::SUNSOFT//..."  The standards
may not guarantee you that such an identifier is unique, but Sun can
guarantee you a couple of other things:

1. Our document check-in system will not allow two documents to be
created with the same FPI, and

2. If you start creating FPIs that begin "-//SUN::SUNSOFT" then you
can count on spending the next few years of your life in court with
our trademark lawyers.

So in reality, even unregistered FPIs can function as unique and
persistent names.


Received on Wednesday, 27 November 1996 21:28:32 UTC