Welcome to w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org!

Better late than never, here it is! The long-awaited
W3C SGML WG mailing list.

This forum has a public archive. Note the address of the archive in
the headers.

The WG will have a "home page" pretty soon, but there are some access
control issues to work out.

Here's the current subscription list.
(1) it lets everybody know who gets to read the mail
sent to this forum
(2) it lets our chair, Jon Bosak, tell me which part I got wrong.

Jon, would you like to send an introductory message of your
own to build shared context, update folks on recent developments,
or whatever you think is appropriate?


sca@ebt.com (Sharon Adler, EBT)
paula@texcel.no (Paula Angerstein, Texcel)
bbauma1@cs.umbc.edu (Todd Bauman, U. of Maryland)
alb@ebt.com (Anders Berglund, EBT)
kbest@novell.com (Karl Best, Novell)
michel@hightext.com (Michel Biezunski, High Text)
hbingham@acm.org (Harvey Bingham, SGML consultant)
sbrown@cortland.com (Steve Brown, InfoObjects)
mtbryan@sgml.u-net.com (Martin Bryan, SGML Centre)
mbuckley@microsoft.com (Mark Buckley, Microsoft)
cbullard@HiWAAY.net (Len Bullard, Lockheed-Martin)
lou@vax.ox.ac.uk (Lou Burnard, Oxford University)
steve.byrne@sun.com (Steve Byrne, JavaSoft)
conrad@cbvcp.com (Kurt Conrad, Sagebrush Group)
kmc@harlequin.com (Keith Corbett, Harlequin)
robin@acadcomp.sil.org (Robin Cover)
dgd@cs.bu.edu (Dave Durand, Boston University)
jenglish@crl.com (Joe English, CR Laboratories)
ralph@ossi.com (Ralph Ferris, Fuitsu OSSI)
fogal@zk3.dec.com (Lee Fogal, Digital Equipment)
tfreter@novell.com (Todd Freter, Novell)
matt@wdi.disney.com (Matthew Fuchs, Disney Imagineering)
charles@sgmlsource.com (Charles Goldfarb)
paul@arbortext.com (Paul Grosso, ArborText)
eduardo@eng.sun.com (Eduardo Gutentag, SunSoft)
haitto@synex.se (Hasse Haitto, Synex)
karben@interactive.wsj.com (Alan Karben, Wall Street Journal)
dlapeyre@netcom.com (Debbie Lapeyre, Atlis)
megan@bdmtech.com (Megan MacMillan, BDM Technologies)
masonjd@ornl.gov (James Mason, ORNL)
sgml@winternet.com (Alex Milowski, Copernican Solutions)
srn@techno.com (Steve Newcombe, TechnoTeacher)
gtn@ebt.com (Gavin Nicol, EBT)
nancy@hi.com (Nancy Paisner, Hitachi)
davep@acm.org (Dave Peterson, SGML Works)
papresco@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca (Paul Prescod, U. of Waterloo)
lprice@ix.netcom.com (Lynne Price, SGML consultant)
aray@nmds.com (Arjun Ray, Q2-II)
bill.smith@sun.com (Bill Smith, SunSoft)
bobs@sco.com (Bob Stayton, SCO)
streich@slb.com (Robert Streich, Schlumberger)
jeff.suttor@sun.com (Jeff Suttor, SunSoft)
jtauber@library.uwa.edu.au (James Tauber, U. of Western Australia)
wtaylor@novell.com (Wayne Taylor, Novell)
s.wilmott@omnimark.com (Sam Wilmott, OmniMark)
cwilso@microsoft.com (Chris Wilson, Microsoft)
wohler@vnet.ibm.com (Wayne Wohler, IBM)
lauren@sqwest.bc.ca (Lauren Wood, SoftQuad)

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 1996 01:47:34 UTC