- From: Pat Hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>
- Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 18:30:43 -0500
- To: Dan Connolly <connolly@w3.org>
- Cc: public-webarch-comments@w3.org, w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <p06001f14bcc009f7e3b8@[]>
>On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 15:00, Pat Hayes wrote: >> > On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 16:38, Pat Hayes wrote: >[...] >> > > Which could be paraphrased as "A resource can be anything, and >> > > everything is a resource". >> > >> > yes, quite. >> >> >> Well, then, it is hard to resist asking the question, why did y'all >> feel obliged to (mis)-use a word when there already were perfectly >> good words you could have used, such as "entity" or even the plainer >> "thing" ? > >Fair question... > >The term 'resource' was chosen as the universal set in web developer >discussions so old that I can't even find the archives. >The usage goes back to at least 1994, with >discussion of URLs, URIs, and even URCs (a precursor to RDF). > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/1994Dec/ > >The XLink spec followed suit, to some extent: > >[[ >The notion of resources is universal to the World Wide Web. [Definition: >As discussed in [IETF RFC 2396], a resource is any addressable unit of >information or service.] Examples include files, images, documents, >programs, and query results. >]] > -- http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/#N789 > >I suppose that just re-raises the question of whether 'resource' >is the universal set or something smaller. Seems pretty clear to me that it is much smaller, by that term 'addressable unit'. Most things in heaven and earth are not addressable units of anything. That definition makes sense. It is clearly the C sense in my C/D contrast, and it fits with the now venerable discussions of hyperlinking in Engelbart's stuff, cited in the architecture document. So why not just stick with that? Then it all makes perfect sense as an architecture document. All you need to do is elide or modify the few places where the text goes off on some kind of riff about resources being anything and everything being a resource. None of these have any bearing on the technical content of the document in any case: everybody knows you can't send a book or a galaxy (or the weather in Oaxaca) over a network, in fact, so who are y'all trying to kid? >I suppose we could choose 'thing' as the universal set, but that >would be a pretty major educational undertaking in at least some >communities. Maybe those communities are smaller than the ones >that use 'resource' as the universal set. Well, re-education is better than confusion. I don't think, frankly, that "resource" was EVER supposed to mean the universal set. I'm not sure now where the historical roots of that idea come from, but they can't be found in the older material anywhere Ive looked. For example, with the understanding of "resource" outlined in the Xlink spec and the 1994 discussions you cite, which notably seem to think of the Web as a kind of world-wide *library* , that choice of word makes perfect sense: the things in a library, even an extended world-wide hyperlinked electronic library, can indeed be reasonably thought of as resources, things that are accessible for use, things that provide functionality. The mistake arises when the library is identified with the entire universe. But OK, if you really want "resource" to mean the universal set, now, then please say so very clearly and explicitly, but then read over the document with that meaning in mind very critically, because with that reading, much of what it says about resources really does not make sense. You can't send weather over a network; grains of sand don't have (or need) URIs, most resources have no owners, etc.. [later] Maybe I have found the source. A bit more reading found this, http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/rfc1737.txt written by Sollins & Masinter in Dec 1994, defining the URN idea and possibly one source of this confusion that I am trying to root out. It has some nice prose in it, let me number the sections for later comment: 1. The requirements for Uniform Resource Names fit within the overall architecture of Uniform Resource Identification. In order to build applications in the most general case, the user must be able to discover and identify the information, objects, or what we will call in this architecture resources, on which the application is to operate. Beyond this statement, the URI architecture does not define "resource." 2. A URN identifies a resource or unit of information. It may identify, for example, intellectual content, a particular presentation of intellectual content, or whatever a name assignment authority determines is a distinctly namable entity. A URL identifies the location or a container for an instance of a resource identified by a URN. The resource identified by a URN may reside in one or more locations at any given time, may move, or may not be available at all. Of course, not all resources will move during their lifetimes, and not all resources, although identifiable and identified by a URN will be instantiated at any given time. As such a URL is identifying a place where a resource may reside, or a container, as distinct from the resource itself identified by the URN. 3. Requirements for functional capabilities These are the requirements for URNs' functional capabilities: o Global scope: A URN is a name with global scope which does not imply a location. It has the same meaning everywhere. o Global uniqueness: The same URN will never be assigned to two different resources. o Persistence: It is intended that the lifetime of a URN be permanent. That is, the URN will be globally unique forever, and may well be used as a reference to a resource well beyond the lifetime of the resource it identifies or of any naming authority involved in the assignment of its name. o Scalability: URNs can be assigned to any resource that might conceivably be available on the network, for hundreds of years. .... 4. One of the ways in which naming authorities, the assigners of names, may choose to make themselves distinctive is by the algorithms by which they distinguish or do not distinguish resources from each other. For example, a publisher may choose to distinguish among multiple printings of a book, in which minor spelling and typographical mistakes have been made, but a library may prefer not to make that distinction. Furthermore, no one algorithm for testing for equality is likely to applicable to all sorts of information. For example, an algorithm based on testing the equality of two books is unlikely to be useful when testing the equality of two spreadsheets. Thus, although this document requires that any particular naming authority use one algorithm for determining whether two resources it is comparing are the same or different, each naming authority can use a different such algorithm and a naming authority may restrict the set of resources it chooses to identify in any way at all. Now, let me chew on this for a while. I claim that (1) makes sense only under the C reading, since it refers to resources as things on which *applications* can *operate*. You cannot operate on Santa Clause or unborn children or remote galaxies or sodium atoms, or indeed on the weather in Oaxaca, unless maybe you have a fleet of cloud-seeding aircraft. So "object" here must be understood as referring to a computational sense of "object", rather than entities in general: things that (have an identity, but) can be stored in RAM, sent over network connections, manipulated by software, tested for equality under various criteria defined by methods inherited from their defining class, etc.. These may well be objects in the sense of "object" used in OOP, for example, but this is still a very small (and highly special) subset of the universe of possible objects in the broader, non-computational sense. (That last sentence, BTW, seems to be an early example of the almost obsessive stonewalling that the TAG group insists on doing when asked to define its terminology. Do y'all think that there is some actual intellectual merit in refusing to say what you mean in this way? Maybe it makes it all feel more like pure mathematics, or something?) Let me use 'computational object' , or CO, for what this paragraph seems to be talking about, and 'object' more generally for, well, anything in or under heaven. The wording of (2) starts to get weird. We could take it either way. It would be fine for URNs to be able to name anything, not just COs, of course: sure, names can name anything. But for most nameable things, the idea of their having an address, aka container, is strange, to put it mildly: in many cases it isn't even coherent. (I take it that this means 'address' as in location in memory or file system, not like 'street address': but its a damned odd thing to say in either sense about most things in the universe.) So this focus on things changing their address or being moved from place to place seems to be an implicit restriction of the topic to COs. And then there is that curious remark about 'instances' of resources. What can that possibly mean? Many of things we talk about are already concrete particulars, which have no instances: what would be an 'instance' of, say, you or me, or of the great nebula in Orion? But for COs it does have a way of being interpreted in many cases, since COs are often thought of as instances of a computational definition or specification (the basic intuition underlying the OOP model in many cases, where identity is determined by the class which provides the 'methods' of manipulation.) So again, if this means anything then it seems to mean something in the context of COs rather than objects more generally. Turning to (3), this could at first be read in either sense, though read in the wider, D, sense it seems almost insanely ambitious (there shall be only One true Name for any object for Ever and Ever... sounds like something from the Wizard of Earthsea) until you get to the fourth condition, which refers to resources being "available on the network". I can make sense of this only if "resource" is understood in the computational C sense: things like galaxies are not, in my experience, usually available on networks. Certainly the things that my OWL quantifiers range over are not all on a network, in any sense of 'on' and 'network' that I can understand: for example, they may never (ever) have a identifier. But I don't think that this is what the authors intended. Section (4), from later in the document, seems to me to be muddled. Is it talking about criteria for identity or about *algorithms* for determining identity? The text uses the latter terminology but the examples only make sense in the former. In the usual sense of equality used outside computer science, the idea of an algorithm for testing for equality is incoherent: equality simply means being the same thing. (What kind of algorithm could test me for equality with myself? What would need to be tested? Here I am, and there is one of me: what else needs to be said or done?) This whole discussion makes sense only if one thinks of the actual world as being a kind of algebraic object, like a giant datastructure, whose pieces look different depending on which category you think of them as belonging to. This is a fatal muddling of reality with description, a confusing of the map with the territory, of the model with the modelled. I think I see what the authors are getting at: the concept of 'book' can be interpreted as meaning an abstraction of the actual world at different levels: physical objects on a shelf, print runs, editions, manuscripts, etc., all might be called "a book" and might have systematic identifiers assigned to them by various naming authorities: yes, indeed. But this only translates into criteria for *identity* if one thinks of these abstractions as *being* the reality: and that is a fatal slip, like identifying mathematical abstractions with the reality that they might model, or the Platonic world of ideals with the actual world of concrete referents, or (as I think in this case) the computational descriptions of something with the things described. And once that mistaken identification is made, it seems trivial to identify reference with linking, and naming with access. The whole world now seems to be made of the stuff that is sent over network links and processed by applications running on computers. >As to 'entity'... the web specs (MIME, HTTP) use "entity" to mean >a generalization of the RFC822 header/body structure. So they do. Sigh. OK, so just say 'thing'. Plain language is usually best in any case. >"entity > The information transferred as the payload of a request or > response." > -- http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec1.html#sec1 > >Hmm... that spec seems to use 'resource' for something smaller >than the universal set... > >"resource > A network data object or service that can be identified by a > URI, as defined in section 3.2." You omitted the next sentence, which is even more telling: "Resources may be available in multiple representations (e.g. multiple languages, data formats, size, and resolutions) or vary in other ways." >then in 3.2: > >"As far as HTTP is concerned, Uniform Resource Identifiers are simply >formatted strings which identify--via name, location, or any other >characteristic--a resource." > This is the familiar circular recursion that one finds in so many of the W3C glossaries. Foodles are whatever are identified by bazzies, and bazzies identify foodles. Thanks, that is SO helpful :-) Pat >[... much elided ...] > >-- >Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/ >see you at the WWW2004 in NY 17-22 May? -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- IHMC (850)434 8903 or (650)494 3973 home 40 South Alcaniz St. (850)202 4416 office Pensacola (850)202 4440 fax FL 32501 (850)291 0667 cell phayes@ihmc.us http://www.ihmc.us/users/phayes
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