application/rdf+xml registration


I was engaged in some discussion with Ned about registration of 
application/rdf+xml MIME type as part of the W3C RDFcore working group 
output, but didn't notice he's no longer APP AD.  I was anticipating that 
our registration would go through under the old process (the I-D has been a 
work-in-progress for some time, since well before the new procedure was 
approved).  Are you content to run with this?

The I-D concerned is at:
and now that the revised RDF specs are finalized, we'd like to request 
(informational) RFC publication and registration of the MIME type in the 
IETF tree.

Apart from a few very minor editorial changes, and updates to the 
references, the draft has been presented for review on the IETF-types list, 
and no comments were received.  The editorial changes to the text are 
outlined in this message:

Can you please indicate how we should proceed?



Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2004 05:53:56 UTC