RDFCore WG ends

Hi Folks,

This is a message that at times I thought I might never get to send.

RDFCore is now done and as of 01 Jun 2004 the WG officially disbanded.  I*'d
like to thank everyone who has contributed to the WG.  I hope you all feel
it was worthwhile and that you are all appropriately rewarded for your
efforts.  We have done some ground breaking work and should feel good about
what we have accomplished.

For me personally, taking on the role I did with so little experience was a
risk; what my boss described as a "development opportunity".  You are a
great bunch of people and with your support and encouragement I feel I have
gained enormously from the experience of working with you all.  I hope to do
so again in the future.

I'm also very much taken with what I've seen of W3C as an organisation.  It
embodies a combination of high principle, pragmatic objectives and effective
execution that I find compelling and motivating, a point I make occasionally
to the irritation of my masters.

Thank you.

Brian McBride
Ex-cochair RDFCore

* I tried to sync up with Danbri but have failed to get in touch, so whilst
I can't speak for him, I hope this message reflects his views as well.

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2004 03:36:37 UTC