Re: URI for draft press release

I think it looks very good.

I've posted some comments on this at member-only:


At 13:44 03/02/04 -0800, Janet Daly wrote:

>Hello, RDF Core Working Group.
>I'm a day late (we had a separate announcement today and another 2 in
>the next week), but I do have a draft for you. It's likely to get
>shorter and more focused on how the specs are implemented, but your
>press offices can get the picture a bit at this point.
>This is not a public document; you'll need Member site access to see it.
>Best regards,
>World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
>Janet Daly, Head of Communications
>200 Technology Square
>Cambridge, MA 02139
>voice: +1.617.253.5884
>fax:   +1.617.258.5999

Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 06:26:03 UTC