Re: webont-01 'rename schema' proposal

At 22:19 24/05/2003 +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:


>"schema" is, to my mind, a perfectly respectable generic term.  I don't 
>think that because it's used in the phrase "XML schema" we should be 
>bullied out of deploying the equally reasonable term "RDF schema".

I regret the use of the emotive term 'bullied'.  I see no evidence of the 
XML schema folks putting any pressure on us about the use of this term.

I have however observed a tendency from folks, and not just those from the 
XML world, to assume that a schema language supports validation and this 
can cause some confusion.

Personally, whilst I can see advantage to a name change, I think its too 
late, but as always, will be guided by the wisdom of the WG.


Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2003 14:02:22 UTC