Re: danc-02 (was Re: open concepts issues)

At 10:13 15/05/03 +0300, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>2:ensureing that the  abstract representation of:
><eg:a> <eg:p> "00"^^<eg:en> .
><eg:a> <eg:p> "00"@en
>differ by more than the three characters "eg:"
>(It is fortunate that the set of absolute URI references and the set of
>language tags are disjoint, but I am not happy to have an abstract
>representation that relies on that).

FWIW, I have a proposal floating about to put lang tags into URI space... 
the Internet Draft is currently expired, waiting on some other 
work-in-progress to come through, but a copy is here:


Graham Klyne
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Received on Thursday, 15 May 2003 11:46:42 UTC