Re: Updated Draft RDFCore comments on OWL Reference

Brian, I'm fine with the corrections, just

> There were comments by Jos and jjc on
> #owlref-rdfcore-transitive-datatype-properties.  I'm not clear if they
> suggesting a change.

I would not use bnodes in

_:a eg:size _:sa .
_:b eg:size _:sb .
_:c eg:size _:sc .

_:sa eg:lessThan _:sb .
_:sb eg:lessThan _:sc .


_:sa eg:lessThan _:sc .

which is of course not bad, but it could give
the impression that the _:sa in the premis is
the same as the _:sa in the conclusion and I
would suggest to write

eg:a eg:size eg:sa .
eg:b eg:size eg:sb .
eg:c eg:size eg:sc .

eg:sa eg:lessThan eg:sb .
eg:sb eg:lessThan eg:sc .


eg:sa eg:lessThan eg:sc .

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 13:18:47 UTC