- From: Jeremy Carroll <jjc@hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:00:05 +0100
- To: w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org
Dave I think you've misunderstood some of these - I get the impression that the XML Schema WG have tried hard not to be antagonistic with their comments. e.g. they say [[ Other members of the WG feel that it verges on disrespect to assume that you need instruction on this point. ]] at a point where, IMO, they have just made a helpful comment. (Not on syntax though). ISSUE http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20030123-issues/#xmlsch-09 > "We were unable, on a first reading, to determine whether the default > namespace declaration, and thus unprefixed names, were or were not > allowed in order to encode 'RDF URI References'." I understood this as asking, is: <RDF xmlns="&rdfns;"> </RDF> a legal RDF/XML document (assumning entity correctly defined). My understanding is that it is; but, without looking, I wouldn't be surprised if the text could do with editorial polish on this point. [[ ISSUE http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20030123-issues/#xmlsch-10 "cannonical syntax" Discussion of out of what I believe is out of RDF Core's charter, creating a new XML syntax or modifying RDF/XML (created 1998) to work with XML technology designed later. "The RDF Core WG is neither chartered to develop a new RDF syntax," -- http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCoreWGCharter Summary: closed. we don't have to do this, out of charter ?? ]] I am not convinced by the "out of charter" argument. My reading of the suggestion is that if we specified a subset of the current syntax that could serilalize any graph then expressing some RDF within that subset would potentially allow XQuery to work better with it. This would loosely correspond to the basic syntax in M&S. e.g. We could permit: RDF nodeElement nodeElementList ws propertyEltList propertyElt (but not with rdf:li) literalPropertyElt parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt emptyPropertyElt nodeIdAttr aboutAttr resourceAttr datatypeAttr (but not with rdf:XMLLiteral) parseLiteral URI-reference literal I believe that with that, possibly subject to the further constraints: - that each nodeElement must be uniquely identified by an rdf:about or rdf:nodeID would result in a much more regular subset of the syntax which could be used more effectively with XML technologies. (I have excluded: propertyAttrs reification syntax collection syntax container syntax all the parseTypes except for Literal - even that possibly should be excluded ) [[ ISSUE http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20030123-issues/#xmlsch-11 "layering on xml" There is some explanation to do since they seem to have missed reading the Syntax Data model section in defining RDF/XML on top of the pile of XML technologies. > Not only does this confuse levels and thus readers, it also runs the > risk of inadvertently defining an XML subset. It also appears, on a > strict reading, to rule out XML documents not derived from the parsing > of character streams as possible RDF/XML (so that it would be > illegitimate to regard a data structure created using a DOM interface, > for example, as RDF/XML). It neither creates a subset nor rules out using other XML APIs as long as an XML Infoset is available. ]] I tend to agree with your reading, but would see no harm in a more conciliatory addition e.g. in section 6 http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20030123/#section-Data-Model The first paragraph talks about "sequence of events", in a way which, to me, clearly does not presuppose the existence of a document to hand. We could consider an addiitonal sentence, at the end of that first paragraph, along the lines of: [[ The sequence of events may arise from a non-document representation of an XML infoset, for example,. a DOM tree. ]] On a personal level I would prefer the spec not to say that, because I am getting complaints that ARP does not support such functionality! (Not that I would admit that it didn't conform if we made the change!) [[ ISSUE http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20030123-issues/#xmlsch-12 "capricious syntax" ]] While your out-of-charter stance is technically correct, and formally our only option, I wonder whether the long term good of the semantic web would be aided by us indicating that we agree with much of this comment. We could point to the new work being started with the HTML WG on embedding RDF inside validated xhtml. It may also help for us to identify those usecases for which RDF/XML *is* a good match. There are a few, and it would be good to enumerate them. Another intersting thing to consider on this one is that from an XML point of view one of the more capricious aspects of RDF/XML is its use of qnames. However, this use appeals to the semantic web community as a whole, even those who try not to touch RDF/XML with a bargepole. Jeremy
Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2003 08:59:41 UTC