Re: question about XML markup in literals

I think we are getting to the point where responses to questions like
this should refer to the text of the spec, with no adornment.


On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 16:48, pat hayes wrote:
> Is it legal to include XML markup inside non-XMLLiteral literal 
> strings? For example, suppose I wanted to define a datatype called 
> ex:XMLnumber whose lexical space was all strings of the form
> <xmlnum>English-number-phrase</xmlnum>
> and whose L2V mapping looked like
> <xmlnum>one</xmlnum>  --> 1
> <xmlnum>two</xmlnum>  --> 2
> ...
> <xmlnum>three hundred and ninety seven</xmlnum>  --> 397
> ....
> and write literals like
> "<xmlnum>three hundred and ninety seven</xmlnum>"^^ex:XMLnumber
> to refer to 397, would that be legal RDF? There are no semantic 
> reasons to exclude it.
> Pat
> PS> This information has been requested by Roland and I don't know the answer.

Received on Monday, 16 June 2003 08:55:25 UTC