Re: Closure Rule rdf2 generates infinite set of triples

>I noticed that closure rule rdf2 in
>will generate an infinite number of triples from any triple with an xml
>literal as its object.

Is that really the case? I still have not got a clear picture of what 
the XMLliteral value is supposed to be or how it relates to the 
lexical form, but my understanding was that the lex2value mapping was 
a pretty simple normalization process, so that the set of lexical 
forms which map to the same 'value' would be reasonably small.

>I was wondering if there was a reason to prefer the form of the closure
>rule given over one of the form:
>sss1 ppp1 xml1
>sss2 ppp2 xml2
>sss1 ppp1 _:x
>sss2 ppp2 _:x
>where xml1 and xml2 denote the same XML literal value.

Im not sure if that would be sufficient to find all entailments, but 
I'll think about it.

BTW< there is an obvious way to limit se1 and se2 to keep those 
closures finite, which I suspect you already noticed, when I read you 
earlier message more carefully: do not apply them to bnodes. Duh.


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Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 09:59:40 UTC