Re: quick syntax question.

> 3. If so, are there any literal character sequences which *cannot* be 
> sent through RDF/XML? Or does XML provide an escape for every Unicode 
> code point?

Another case is strings that are not in Unicode Normal Form C.

These can be written in XML 1.0, cannot be written in XML 1.1 and are not 
permitted in an RDF graph.

I don't think Pat can have the elegant identity between xsd:string and RDF 
plain literal. xsd:string is not in practice a fixed point but an evolving 
concept which will, in the fullness of time, adjust to XML 1.1

(Every code point is legal - but strings not in NFC are only permitted in XML 
1.0 not any of the other contexts).


Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 07:28:54 UTC