Re: Proposal

Hello Patrick,

Many thanks for comming up with some new ideas.

My personal opinions below, I obviously didn't have
any chance to discuss with the WG.

At 18:02 03/07/10 +0300, wrote:

>OK folks,
>In the interests of satisfying all interested parties,
>I offer the following proposal for an alternative
>solution to the present one, based on nothing new,
>just a partial roll back to a more traditional M&S
>treatment of XML literals.
>1. The datatype rdf:XMLLiteral is discarded.
>2. The attribute+value rdf:parseType="Literal" is
>strictly syntactic, indicating a plain literal
>which is serialized in the RDF/XML instance as XML.
>I.e. a literal constituting text with markup.

This seems to be a direction worth exploring.

>3. The attribute rdf:datatype can co-occur with
>rdf:parseType="Literal". The combination of these two
>together is similar to the present interpretation of
>rdf:parseType="Literal" alone, but now requires the
>explicit specification of a datatype rather than
>being implicitly taken to be of type rdf:XMLLiteral.

This seems to be somewhat independent of 1./2. above,
and I'm not yet sure I understand the implications.
It could probably be introduced at a later date, too.

>Thus, given a context of
>    <rdf:RDF ... xml:lang="fi">
>       ...
>    </rdf:RDF>
>all of the following:
>1. <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x">
>       <ex:foo>bar</ex:foo>
>    </rdf:Description>
>2. <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x">
>       <ex:foo rdf:parseType="Literal">bar</ex:foo>
>    </rdf:Description>
>3. <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x" ex:foo="bar"/>
>generate the same triple:
>   <#x> ex:foo "bar"@fi .

So far, very good.

>All of the following:
>4. <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x">
>       <ex:foo rdf:parseType="Literal"><xhtml:b>bar</xhtml:b></ex:foo>
>    </rdf:Description>
>5. <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x">
>       <ex:foo>&lt;xhtml:b&gt;bar&lt;/xhtml:b&gt;</ex:foo>
>    </rdf:Description>
>6. <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x" 
>generate the same triple:
>    <#x> ex:foo "<xhtml:b>bar</xhtml:b>"@fi .

I think you forgot the xml:lang="fi"; I assume this is just an oversight.

But more than that, I think it collapses two things that should
be distinct: Strings that happen to look like XML fragments, and
strings that are actually XML fragments. XML makes a clear distinction
between these, but the above would blur this distinction. It would
most probably lead to a great deal of confusion among a wide range
of users. It would also not help with a natural transition from
'plain' to 'xml' literals. In particular:

Some data store decides to store book titles. They start out with

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#A" xml:lang='en'>
   <ex:title>Programming Perl</ex:title>

triple: <#A> ex:title "Programming Perl"@en .

Then they add some more, for example:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#B" xml:lang='en'>
   <ex:title>MySQL &amp; mSQL</ex:title>

triple: <#B> ex:title "MySQL & mSQL"@en .

Note that at this point in time, the 'title' property is,
without too much thinking, nailed down to be just a plain
string, not XML.

And one more:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#C" xml:lang='en'>
   <ex:title>The history of the &lt;img&gt; element in HTML</ex:title>

triple: <#C> ex:title "The history of the <img> element in HTML"@en .

Later, they add some more books, e.g.

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#D" xml:lang='en'>
   <ex:title rdf:parseType="Literal"
     >Chats about <foo xml:lang='fr'>chats</foo></ex:title>

For this we get a triple of:

<#D> ex:title "Chats about <foo xml:lang='fr'>chats</foo>"@en .

[I had a book with a multilingual title on my bookshelf, but
used this example because it's shorter.]

Or, as a variation:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="#E" xml:lang='en'>
   <ex:title rdf:parseType="Literal"
     >The history of the <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> element in HTML</ex:title>

<#E> ex:title "The history of the <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> element in 
HTML"@en .

Looking through the examples, we observe that in all cases, the user
did what looked natural, yet we ended up with literals that represent
actual XML (and are well-formed XML fragments): #D, #E, and literals
that are not well-formed XML, and can only be interpreted as plain
strings: #B, #C.

While one might say that this can be avoided by extremely careful
planning, documentation, and checking, it is such an easy trap
to fall in that we definitely should not set it up. It would also
need some kind of mechanism somewhere to ensure data quality
(i.e. to reject cases B and C when the application has decided
to e.g. consider this property to be interpreted as XML).

I think these problems can be remedied, e.g. along the lines
that Graham once or twice proposed (although he did say that he
didn't like it), i.e. that literals are always kept in minimally
escaped form, i.e. #B would be

   <#B> ex:title "MySQL &amp; mSQL"@en .

in the abstract syntax, which would denote (don't necessarily take
that word in the formal sense) the (English) string "MySQL & mSQL"
(trivially also an XML fragment), but #D would still be

   <#D> ex:title "Chats about <foo xml:lang='fr'>chats</foo>"@en .

in the abstract syntax, which would denote the (overall English) XML
fragment "Chats about <foo xml:lang='fr'>chats</foo>" (which could
be further analyzed, but that would not be a job of the RDF spec).

Having to escape the actual characters &amp; and &lt; in the abstract
syntax looks somewhat ugly, but these are only two out of more than
90,000 characters defined in Unicode.

Note: Please note that while escaping is not really something that
looks related to internationalization, it is something we have had
to work on extensively since we started with HTML internationalzation.

Regards,    Martin.

>Users are then free to choose between legacy M&S literals, with lang
>tag, with no special distinction made in the graph regarding the
>presence or absence of markup; or alternatively, typed literals
>with no lang tags and likewise no distinction made in the graph regarding
>the presence or absence of markup in the lexical forms.
>There remains no semantic distinction between a plain literal and
>an XML literal. An "XML literal" is simply a plain literal with
>XML markup that is serialized as unescaped XML. Nothing more.
>RDF continues to have two kinds of literals, plain and typed, and
>comparison of plain literals, regardless of the presence of markup,
>is by simple string comparison. All reference to canonicalization
>is removed from the specs -- hopefully moved to a Note addressing the
>use of RDF with datatyped literals having XML encoded lexical forms,
>and including the definition of a datatype equivalent to rdf:XMLLiteral
>or a similar interpretation of xsd:complexType.
>Let the market and user community decide which alternative,
>plain or typed literal, is best for which application.
>Equivalences between plain literals and typed literals is
>left to each individual specification of each datatype.
>Note again, that this alternative proposal introduces nothing
>substantively new to the mix. And in fact, the minor changes
>to the RDF/XML syntax represent how most earlier RDF parsers
>treated rdf:parseType="Literal" to begin with.
>It also will allow folks to say useful things like
>    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#x">
>       <ex:foo rdf:datatype="&xhtml;b" rdf:parseType="Literal">
>          <xhtml:b>bar</xhtml:b>
>       </ex:foo>
>    </rdf:Description>
>    <#foo> ex:foo "<xhtml:b>bar</xhtml:b>"^^xhtml:b .
>and thus take advantage of being able to serialize those typed
>XML encoded lexical forms without escaping.
>Martin, does that meet your expectations and wishes
>better than the present solution?
>If so, is the WG favorable to such a proposed change?
>Patrick Stickler
>Nokia, Finland

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 19:08:21 UTC