Related comment from XML Schema

Here is something related I have found: While the I18N WG
unfortunately didn't find the bandwith for a serious review
of the various RDF last call documents, the XML Schema WG
pointed out very clearly that markup was an important
component for many natural language 'utterances'
(and pointed to the I18N WG for more expertise).

If anything, this makes it more unclear to me why the RDF
Core WG decided to remove language information from XML

Regards,    Martin.

xmlsch-06 Strings for natural-language data

Your comment:
2.4. Strings for natural-language data (substantive)

A plain literal is a string combined with an optional language identifier.
This should be used for plain text in a natural language. As recommended in
the RDF formal semantics [RDF-SEMANTICS], these plain literals are
We do not believe that simple strings are likely to be adequate for the
representation of arbitrary natural-language text. Even in English,
natural-language utterances (such as this document) may need some degree of
inline markup for clarity and adequate presentation; in natural-language
utterances requiring bidirectional display or ruby, the best authorities
(including the W3C I18n Working Group) recommend the use of markup within the
natural-language utterance. We thus suggest that you may wish to moderate
this recommendation that natural-language material be represented by
This is not an area in which we claim particular technical expertise; we
merely call it to your attention in the hopes that doing so may be useful to

RESOLVED: to accept xmlsch-06, with revised wording as noted
A plain literal is a string combined with an optional language
          identifier. This may be used for plain text
          in a natural language. As recommended in the RDF formal semantics
          [RDF-SEMANTICS], these plain literals are self-denoting.
after other changes the text now reads: 

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 18:55:10 UTC