Re: Summary of strings, markup, and language tagging in RDF (resend)

At 09:42 03/07/07 +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:

>Also for the record... I have no problem with either of the implied goals 
>here in isolation (i.e. no distinction between XML without markup and 
>plain text, and xml:lang applies to XML literals.)
>Where I do have a problem is to say (as seems to be needed to square all 
>the goals being promoted here) there is no distinction between XML without 
>markup and plain text, and AT THE SAME TIME to say that there is a 
>fundamental difference in type between an XML literal with markup and 
>plain text.

Hello Graham,

I agree with you. I am seeing the treatment of XML literals as types
as a simple convenience (just use a type to provide a label),
rather than anything else.

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 13:56:08 UTC