Re: [Fwd: Re: Summary of strings, markup, and language tagging in RDF (resend)]

(note I am not copying i18n et al.)

Brian McBride wrote:

>   - RDFCore considered retaining the wrapper element, but decided not to
> because it is more complicated for *implementors* (I note i18n's
> arguments are more user centred)

I am not convinced by the "*implementors*" part here.

At the time I got the impression that the rest of the group just found what 
I was advocating (retaining the wrapper element) too complicated.

I don't think we discussed "too complicated" for whom.

After, as I was contemplating the arguments made by the rest of the group 
it seemed that really this "too complicated" is too complicated for someone 
beginning RDF, it's a dirty hack whose inelegance is such that it will put 
people off understanding this construct.

Since, as Pat so rightly points out, we take the G view, we are unwilling 
to have a hack that messes that up badly.


Received on Friday, 4 July 2003 06:56:39 UTC