tests + implementation report

Looking at:


I think it looks good.

I am looking at the Features and Implementations section: Jena has support for 
both Collections and Reification; I would suggest you specifiy Jena2.

I believe it is valuable to have, possibly as an ancilliary appendix in a 
separate file, a table of all out tests with the specified systems, showing 
which systems past which tests.
This requires some format to exchange test results - given that we have not 
specified one, I wonder whether a plain text format might be easiest.

(There is also EARL but we have not suggested this in the past, and I suspect 
that would put an obstacle in the way:

I believe that we still have proposed tests that have not been approved 
(tex-01 and xmlsch-02)

It may be useful to provide a zip of all our parser tests, and a zip of all 
out entailment tests.

Possible critical path activities:

+ approving tex-01 xmlsch-02 and any other outstanding tests
+ defining a test result format (maybe splitting the tests into parser tests 
and entailment tests)
+ requesting implmentator feedback


Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2003 03:04:27 UTC