Re: document status update


Just to be sure I know what you're talking about (e.g., that we're
making the same assumptions):

1.  today is a target date for what, exactly?
2.  what is it you expect the document status to be when Brian returns
(particularly as regards to consistency)?

I've already mentioned the issue of consistent references.  Also, I
notice Concepts editors draft now has a CR format.  Etc.


Eric Miller wrote:
>  From last Friday's RDF Core call, today looks like a target date.
> [[
> Item: Document Status
> Primer DONE.
> Concepts: a couple of things arising today; can be ready Monday
> Syntax: as above.
> Semantics: as above.
> Schema: Reification action for today will be done Monday.
> Test cases: TC repo awaiting checking, actions from today, can be ready
> Monday
> ]]
> Primer  and Syntax [1] seem to be done. Can i get a status update on
> the rest of the docs?  I think it would be nice to have a little
> something for Brian when he returns :)
> --
> eric miller                    
> semantic web activity lead     
> w3c world wide web consortium  
> [1]

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
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Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 13:36:34 UTC