Test case outstanding actions

These are up until the last meeting, the minutes of which I'm about to

I'll recreate the test case tables at the end of today.

19: test cases
2002-11-22#2  	jang  	[test case fix] remove RDFS entailment rules from
                         the language-ignored-for-numeric-types cases.
DONE, although this testis now obsolete due to datatype decisions.

2003-04-04#9  	jang  	Remove bagId tests from test cases.

20030425#2  	jang  	add test case for pfps-10 (from originating email)
DONE, test is under pfps-10/

20030509#12  	jang  	Review all tests to make changes concerning typed

The following test cases are obsolete:

These are also similarly out-of-date:

And this:
	...since the NTriples are invalid (lang tags on XML Literal)

I no longer believe this test case to be true:
	(that integer 1 = decimal 1.0 in XSD)
... seeking confirmation before I obsolete it.

Other XMLLiteral tests with langauge:
	none that were ever approved.

20030509#20  	jang  	Is inverse of test case 0097 true or not?
Good question. The message in question is
As per last week's telecon, the answer is "false", and we leave test
cases to that effect. However, JJC has a normative implementation
note addressing this.

20030627#6  	JanG  	add tests for intensional subClassOf semantics.
These are DONe, in horst-01/

20030718#7  	JanG  	update test case language-and-xml-literal to be
This test case is obsolete since NTriples reflects teh abstract syntax;
there are no langauge tags on XMLLiterals. The datatypes/test001 parser
test captures this now.

2003-08-01#4  	jang:  	respond to daveR on his comments on testcases
DONE, see message [actually I can't find this, will follow up with
message number]

Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 05:58:53 UTC