Re: reification in primer


Thanks for the review.  Looking at the alternatives to deal with your 
niggle, I think I prefer your "strictly correct wording";  I'm afraid, 
for example, that saying something like "the subject of the statement is 
the URI reference 'exproducts:item10245'..." might cause someone to 
think we *were* supporting quoting.

Since we're not doing anything silly like publishing new WDs :-) I'll go 
ahead and make this change in a revised editor's draft.


pat hayes wrote:

> Frank, overall the section on reification reads beautifully.  One 
> niggle: right after the second table, giving the example reification, 
> you say:
> "These statements say that the resource identified by the URIref 
> exproducts:triple12345 is an RDF statement, that the subject         of 
> the statement is the resource identified by exproducts:item10245 
> ,          the predicate of the statement is the resource identified by 
> exterms:weight ,         and the object of the statement is the decimal 
> value identified by the typed literal "2.4"^^xsd:decimal ."
> but in fact this ought, strictly, say that the subject of the statement 
> denotes (or refers to) the resource identified by... etc., and similarly 
> for the predicate and object. Or, you could say that the subject of the 
> statement is the URI reference 'exproducts:item10245' which (of course) 
> identifies the resource, etc..
> I am being very picky here, so maybe this is inappropriate for the first 
> example in a primer. Your decision.
> Pat
> P.S. strictly correct wording might be like this:
> These statements say that the resource identified by the URIref 
> exproducts:triple12345 is an RDF statement, that the subject of the 
> statement refers to the resource identified by exproducts:item10245 ,  
> the predicate of the statement refers to the resource identified by 
> exterms:weight , and the object of the statement refers to the decimal 
> value identified by the typed literal "2.4"^^xsd:decimal ."
> -- 
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Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
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Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 15:48:19 UTC