Re: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2003-08-15 wrote:

>>10: Denotation of rdf:XMLLiteral
>>	[[
>>	PROPOSE: accept the definition of rdf:XMLLiteral value 
>>space from
>>	and action concepts editors to integrate it in the 
>>editors draft, using 
>>	editorial discretion.
>>	]]
> I don't understand this proposal, since the WG has already
> discussed the definition in 
> during last telecon, identified problems with it, and tasked
> Jeremy to write up a revised version.
> The issues identified during the last telecon are not IMO editorial
> issues.

Sorry - we seem to be at cross-purposes - are you happy with:

which is a minor edit of

about which you said:

"I'm satisfied with this definition."

If that's OK let's change to that message being the one quoted in the 
proposal. I don't think we should get into an argument about how big a 
difference is editorial!

vis -

	PROPOSE: accept the definition of rdf:XMLLiteral from

	and action concepts editors to integrate it in the
         editors draft, using  editorial discretion.

Obviously, if you at any stage think I have overreached editorial 
discretion then I would welcome correction.


Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 07:11:23 UTC