----- Original Message -----
From: ext Dan Brickley
To: Patrick Stickler
Cc: ext Brian McBride ; rdf core
Sent: 06 August, 2003 15:47
Subject: Re: Denotation of XMLLiterals: poll
* Patrick Stickler <patrick.stickler@nokia.com> [2003-08-06 15:40+0300]
> Whatever solution we choose, it should provide enough information
> to test equality of values.
> Option A does not do that. The argument that integers are thus
> vaguely defined is bogus, in that integers are defined sufficiently
> well to test for equality, among other things. Option A is quite
> a bit more vague than the definition of integers.
> Option B seems the most promising. I'd like to hear
> a summary of the concerns with this. I don't recall seeing anything
> on the WG list.
I just sent one: we would need to decide which version of XPath to
reference, and understand any costs/risks re blessing XPath 1.0 when 2.0
is looming.
Can someone more familiar with the W3C process clarify if/how
choosing XPath 2.0 might delay the rec process for RDF?
Isn't it one level of lag allowed for dependent specs? So if XPath 2.0
is at CR, RDF could reference it and still go to PR? But XPath 2.0
would need to go to PR before RDF could go to Rec?