Re: Draft of XML Literal words for RDF/XML syntax doc

Dave Beckett wrote:
> The words below are to replace the content of 7.2.17 Production parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt at
> It's HTML but I've used lynx to make it text

A quick read and it looks good to me.  Any other comments?

> Dave
> ----
> For element e and the literal l.
> l is an XML Infoset of XML Information items and is not transformed by
> the  mapping  to  the  syntax  data  model. l (rdf:parseType="Literal"
> content) is mapped to an [1]XML literal in the RDF graph.
> This  mapping  from  the XML information items in l to the XML literal
> Unicode  string  x is done as follows, or by any method that gives the
> same result:
>   * Use  l  to construct an XPath[XPATH] [2]node-set (a [3]document
>     subset)
>   * Apply   [4]Exclusive  XML  Canonicalization  [XML-XC14N])  with
>     comments  and with empty [5]InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList to this
>     node-set to give a sequence of octets s
>   * This sequence of octets s can be considered to be a UTF-8 encoding
>     of some Unicode string x (sequence of Unicode characteres)
>   * The Unicode string x is used as the lexical form of l
> Then  o := typed-literal(literal-value := x, literal-datatype :=
>    )   and   the
> following statement is added to the graph:
> e.parent.subject.string-value <e.URI> o.string-value .
> ---
> References
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    5.

Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2003 09:57:05 UTC