Re: Denotation of XMLLiterals: poll

* Patrick Stickler <> [2003-08-06 15:40+0300]
> Whatever solution we choose, it should provide enough information
> to test equality of values.
> Option A does not do that. The argument that integers are thus
> vaguely defined is bogus, in that integers are defined sufficiently
> well to test for equality, among other things. Option A is quite
> a bit more vague than the definition of integers.
> Option B seems the most promising. I'd like to hear
> a summary of the concerns with this. I don't recall seeing anything
> on the WG list.

I just sent one: we would need to decide which version of XPath to
reference, and understand any costs/risks re blessing XPath 1.0 when 2.0
is looming.


Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2003 08:47:51 UTC