new Primer version

As promised, there is a new Primer version at 
(Eric, could you move this to shadow TR space please?).

It has been modified in (what I hope is) accordance with Dave's 
comments.  (I've also changed the status section so the document won't 
look so unstable).

Readers will note that section 4.5 basically punts on showing the actual 
typed literal corresponding to the XML literal.  I fear that by the time 
we show the gory details of the results of XML exclusive 
canonicalization, not to mention the added escaping required by the 
triples notation, users will run miles before using XML literals.  And, 
as I point out in the new text, the whole point of providing 
rdf:parseType="Literal" is so that users don't have to directly deal 
with this stuff.

Additional comments welcome.


Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Sunday, 3 August 2003 18:06:13 UTC