JJC: summary and todo list

Hi Jeremy,

Welcome back; its been an interesting week and I'm trying here to save 
you having to pour over too many emails before you get back up to speed.

We are now hoping to have the docs ready and implementation report for 
Aug 8th.

Some things that need your attention:

xmlsch-02: it seems that we have made the wrong choice in the handling 
of whitespace facets.  Please could consider whether we ought to change 
our mind on how these are handled.

definition of rdf:XMLLiteral

We have a couple of issues this:

  - The current text about the lexical space talks about "corresponding" 
which has caused Peter some grief - the text does need refining.  Graham 
had a go:

- Further, there has been some concern raised over the value space being 
octet sequences, and intersecting with other schema datatypes.  I'd 
appreciate your views on the discussion.



Received on Friday, 1 August 2003 13:43:09 UTC