Re: Test cases, quick update.

At 05:20 PM 12/11/02 +0000, Jan Grant wrote:
>I would like to add the following construct as a premise or conclusion
>   <test:False-Document />
>That is, a document that always "comes out false" under any
>interpretation. It's not constructible using "plain" RDF so I'd
>rather just add support in this format. Jos, can you add support for

That looks reasonable to me.

>That being OK, I'm going to add the following test case:
><ex:a> <ex:b> "25"^^xsd:decimal .
><ex:b> rdfs:range xsd:string .
>{ a test:False-Document }

Er, I assume the notational muddle here will resolve in the updated 
manifest format ?-)

(It took me a while to make anything of that.  Assuming N3, wouldn't the 
conclusion be:

    { } a test:False-Document .

to be more in line with the manifest?)


Graham Klyne

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2002 05:09:36 UTC