Re: What are literals?

>[Patrick Stickler, Nokia/Finland, (+358 40) 801 9690, 
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "ext pat hayes" <>
>To: "Frank Manola" <>
>Cc: <>
>Sent: 11 December, 2002 00:01
>Subject: Re: What are literals?
>>  >Can someone remind me what we decided about whether literals were
>>  >resources or not?
>>  Actually it kind of follows from the MT that simple literals must be
>>  resources, since
>>  1. they denote themselves, and
>>  2. anything that is denoted must be a resource.
>>  Typed literals are another kettle of fish, of course.
>>  >Specifically, I'm trying to revise a sentence in the Primer that says:
>>  >
>>  >"All classes are implicitly subclasses of class rdfs:Resource (since
>>  >the instances belonging to all classes are resources)"
>>  >
>>  >against which there is a question concerning rdfs:Literal.
>>  There shouldnt be. Anything that can be in a class must be a resource.
>>  Pat
>This seems to me to mean that the following holds
>    rdfs:Literal rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
>which I guess I'm OK with, given the current definition of literals
>(typed or otherwise).
>Perhaps that should be explicitly stated in the semantics doc?

Well, all such subClassOfs and rdf:type's which refer to 
rdfs:Resource are omitted, since they are all vacuous. Everything has 
type resource and (hence) every class is a subclass of resource.


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Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 13:44:00 UTC