Re: handling rdf:value

pat hayes wrote:
> After reading Franks section in the primer more carefully, I would
> like to make the following suggestion for how to handle rdf:value,
> which I think codifies the intent rather better than any other idea
> we've had so far.  I've rewritten Frank's section 4.2 along these
> lines in the version at
>, but of
> course this rewrite is only OK if people agree to the treatment.


I assume you mean Section 4.4.1 (about rdf:value) rather than 4.2 (about
collections) in the above.  Based on the emails that ensued from your
message, I'm going to wait until the dust settles a little before
actually including this rewritten material.


Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-8752

Received on Monday, 9 December 2002 13:44:56 UTC