Re: handling rdf:value

>[Patrick Stickler, Nokia/Finland, (+358 40) 801 9690, 
>>  Now, of course, this kind of strictly correct usage means that one
>>  has to say the value twice; once with its correct attaching property
>>  and once again with rdf:value;
>Not necessarily. In cases where the rdf:value property is being
>used as a scoping mechanism, the semantics of rdf:value are
>essentially equality. E.g.

True, good point. I wonder how detailed this can get in a primer, though. (?)

>    aaa ppp _:x .
>    _:x rdf:value vvv .
>    _:x x:scope sss .
>which entails
>    aaa ppp vvv .
>which is true, though only within the scope sss, etc.  
>Thus, in this case rdf:value has identical semantics with
>either ppp or is simply equality.

Right, I noticed a while back that rdf:value often seems to be 
something very close to equality. I think it would be dangerous to 
say that it has to mean equality, though, since that would have many 
entailments all over the place. I think this can be worded so as to 
make the positive point without going too far.


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Received on Monday, 9 December 2002 11:27:49 UTC