RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) draft 2002-12-05

I've done most of the changes noted in

 * rdf:XMLLiteral
 * XML Literal now Literal / literal(), Typed Literal/typed-literal()
 * resolve() added for uris
 * generated-blank-node-id() added for bnodeids
 * Updated blank nodeid section
 * Deleted Appendix A (issues), B.2 (other schemas), C (changes - most)
 * Updated various notes

Additionally I also:
 * Split identifier event into uri & bnodeid events - made the actions neater.

Still to do:
 * parseType literal words / canonicalisation
 * updates for any concepts renumbering
 * references check, fix
 * get the intro similar to other drafts
 * link check

Actually I'm wondering about the title again, since I think that:
  RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)
  W3C Working Draft
is actually redundant; it doesn't need "Specification" in the title,
so, how about:
  RDF/XML Syntax (Revised)
  W3C Working Draft

The current state is snapshotted at:


(no pictures, examples, relax ng schemas linked)


Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 16:47:05 UTC