Re: Action DanC? [was Re: More on XSD in RDF]

>[Patrick Stickler, Nokia/Finland, (+358 40) 801 9690, 
>>  It seems to me that what we need, as well as test cases, is an RDF Schema
>>  for XML Schema datatypes. 
>Attached. I did this ages ago as part of the RDF datatyping design
>process. It captures the type hierarchy defined by XML Schema part 2
>as illustrated in the attached graphic (from the XML Schema spec).

OK, great. Let me suggest the following. I will rewrite the Datatype 
section of the MT to refer to Dtype interpretations as relative to 
kinds of 'information' about a set of datatypes. That is normative; 
but in an informative appendix, I give (the ntriplification of) this 
as an illustration of the kind of thing that is being talked about. 
Would that be a good idea?


>Attachment converted: Betelgeuse:XSD.rdf 1 (TEXT/ttxt) (0005DEF4)
>Attachment converted: Betelgeuse:xsd-type-hierarchy.gif (GIFf/prvw) (0005DEF5)

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Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2002 13:55:20 UTC