RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-11-16 raw IRC logs

copied from my IRC client as a backup...

--> gk (~GK@host213-120-0-45.webport.bt.net) has joined #rdfcore
--> bwm (~bwm@ has joined #rdfcore
* em appologies in advance for delay in joining the call
--> DanC (~connolly@adsl-64-216-155-175.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) has joined #rdfcore
* bwm noted
<em> thanks bwm
* DanC just finished jump-starting the family van; googling to find out how long it should take to charge...
* danbri_ dialing in asap
* gk on my way - wrestling with Internet access
* dajobe_1 dialled in
--- dajobe_1 is now known as jandave
--> Jema (~foo@phobos.hpl.hp.com) has joined #rdfcore
--> mdean_ (~mdean@ has joined #rdfcore
<bwm> -open
<Jema> RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-11-16 is now open
<Jema> The agenda can be found at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Nov/0485.html
<Jema> Agenda item 1: Allocate scribe
<bwm> -agenda next
<Jema> Agenda item 2: Roll Call
<jandave> danbri ?
<gk> DanBri abs, DaveB here,
<gk> FrankB abs
<gk> Jeremy here
<gk> DanC regrets
<gk> RonD here
<gk> Billdeh abs
<gk> Jos pres
<gk> Rael abs
<gk> Jan here
<gk> Martyn regr
<gk> Yoshi abs
<gk> GK here
<gk> Michael K abs
<gk> Kwon erg
<gk> Ora abs
<gk> FrankM here
<gk> Nakamura abs
<danbri_> +danbri
<gk> Steve P regr
<gk> Pierre R abs
<gk> Patrick Reg
--> JosD (nobody@un.impressive.net) has joined #rdfcore
<gk> Aaron here
<gk> MikeD here
<gk> Guha abs
<gk> PatH here
<gk> Sergey not here yet
<DanC> +DanC
<gk> Note IRC logger is currently broken;   DaveB (?) will mail copy to list
<gk> Next telecon 30 Nov 2001
<bwm> -agenda 5
<Jema> Agenda item 5: Review Minutes of 2001-11-09
<Jema> See: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Nov/0294.html
<jjc> propose move item 6 to e-mail :-)
<gk> Minutes last meeting; APPROVED
<gk> Volume of mail traffic
<gk> +DanC
<gk> Suggest replace rdfcore with www-archive@w3.org;  but mail overload isn't completely out of order at present
<gk> Chair has a problem keeping up.
<gk> Please try and use subject lines meaningfully
<gk> Discussions tend to wander; difficult to know when to change the subject line
<DanC> my client doesn't grok priorty, fyi
* em priority is not consistent across email clients
<gk> Aaron suggests that message priority be raised for summaries, agendas, minutes, etc (i.e. important key WG messages rather
then general discussion)
<DanC> I'm especially interested in summaries from issue-owners and/or editors.
<em> summaries++
<DanC> danbri_: feel free to use IRC for clarification discussions.
--> sergey (melnik@Barnacle.Stanford.EDU) has joined #rdfcore
<sergey> +sergey
* DanC wonders if PatrickS is present
<gk> Plea from chair for all members to use good judgement in various ways suggested to contain the amount of WG list mail
<jandave> jan's entailment mail for item 7: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Nov/0525.html
<jjc> Patrick setn regrets
<jandave> -agenda 7
<Jema> Agenda item 7: Status of 2001-10-19#2 JanG  produce proposal on Entailment tests and test Manifest for 26/10/2001
<jandave> -agenda 8
<Jema> Agenda item 8: Status of 2001-10-19#3  Jos Create test cases for model issues resolved at f2f
<gk> Ongoing
<gk> (also item 7)
<jandave> -agenda 9
* DanC hunts for danbri's "here's my latest draft" mail...
<gk> ACTION DanBri to mail brian which schema issues have been folded into document
<-- bwm has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
<gk> ACTION brian, new test case from Jos to go onto next telecon agenda; Jos to provide Brian with details
<-- Jema has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
<danbri_> rdfs working copy is at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/Schema/20010913/ (I should put $Id$ in header..)
<danbri_> linked from WG homepage
<gk> Primer status
<gk> Eric planning on having something by 5PM EST Monday
<gk> Model theory working draft
<gk> Currently in "deep-freeze", pending datatype discussion.
<DanC> danbri, I can't find your "here's my latest RDFS draft" message in the last two
<gk> Sergey will explain how this works;  but asks for help in explaining how it fits with DAML+OIL
<gk> (Pat says it does not)
<gk> ACTION Sergey, get datatype document out ASAP
<DanC> JosD, in general, there's no need to say what the rdf:type of the intermediate node in S, Jos.
<gk> ACTION Frank, clarify architectural issues and concerns he perceives with any proposal
<JosD> DanC, OK but I still think we need a name for the type and the mapping...
<gk> ACTION Jeremy, raise S/P compatibility concerns with WebOnt WG
<gk> ACTION MikeD, raise S/P compatibility concerns with DAML+OIL
<DanC> on AT&T, they don't cut you off.
<gk> ... (joint committee)
<gk> item 14
<gk> Booplean property values
<gk> WG notes that rdf:type can be used to express these.
<DanC> pls note that the ChocolateLover ont:complimentOf NotAChocolateLover.
<gk> Need to work on wording to be clear about this negation issue
<danbri_> proposed replacement sentence: 'We expect additional work on Web Ontology languages [ref] to provide more expressive
constructs (such as ont:complementOf) for such purposes'.
<gk> ACTION Pat, prepare new statement of resolutuion after email discussion
<gk> ACTION Pat, publish new version of model theory with literal datatype issue elided, ASAP
<gk> ... target next Wednesday
<danbri_> ADJOURNED.
<danbri_> --
<-- gk (~GK@host213-120-0-45.webport.bt.net) has left #rdfcore
<-- jandave has quit ("Leaving")
<danbri_> Has someone grabbed the log? (xchat doesn't cut/paste well)

Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 11:17:02 UTC