RE: Answer to the question: What is a "value" to RDF

> >X --s:age--> D --s:inYears--> Y --s:inDecimal--> "12"

Sergey, or anyone else,

Can you explain how this representation relates to
data types such as xsd:duration?

Also, what makes it necessary to have any data typing
properties at all? We can just make eg. s:age a
subPropertyOf xsd:duration and toss in the 
literal with no worries. I.e.:

  x s:age "P12Y" .
  s:age rdfs:subPropertyOf xsd:duration .


I.e, I'm unclear on the ramifications of blurring the
distinction between property and data type.

Is s:age a "general" property or a data type? Both?

How do we segregate the semantics of 'AGE' and
the semantics of 'DURATION' denoted by s:age?

It just seems to me that this "have your cake and eat
it" approach is going to bite us in the rear, eventually...


Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 08:18:46 UTC