RE: Issue rdfms-abouteach

>  hence
> XInclude can't be used with RDF/XML.

I never said XInclude.

<!ENTITY foo SYSTEM "foo.rdf"> &foo;


> And use of XML external entities are something I've never seen for
> RDF/XML and I wouldn't recommend using.  Ditto processing
> instructions and other such stuff.

I'm not saying they are the best way to do it. But they
presently are the *only* way. Feel free to devise better
ways, but you can't tell people to wait around and do nothing
until you do.

> I would prefer working at the RDF level; use concepts such as
> relationships between URI-labelled terms.  

You are free to work with RDF at whatever level you prefer,
but there are lots of other folks who will approach RDF and
interact with RDF *solely* by means of the XML serialization.

That may not be optimal. That may not be what was originally
envisioned. But that's the reality.

> If you want to refer to
> things in other documents, use rdfs:seeAlso.

You can't be serious... The utility of rdfs:seeAlso for
machine understandable cross referencing and the
syndication of distributed knowledge is nearly zilch.

Have you ever tried it? And if so, how many lines of code
were devoted to intrepretations and presumptions that were
not explicit in the semantics of rdfs:seeAlso?  And what
about rdfs:seeAlso references to unsupported encodings,
or worse yet, supported encodings not intended to be actually
interpreted as assertions!

Sorry, no go.



Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 08:08:12 UTC