Re: Answer to the question: What is a "value" to RDF


> X --s:age--> D --s:inYears--> Y --s:inDecimal--> "12"
> |                                                  ^
> +----------------------my:age----------------------+

that is indeed a nice descriptive way...
we could then say that e.g. graph <G1>

  [ s:email <> ] s:age [ s:inYears [ s:inDecimal "45" ] ] .

<K1> entails graph <G2>

  [ s:email <> ] my:age "45" .

where <K1> is

  @prefix log: <> .
  @prefix s: <> .
  @prefix my: <> .
  { ?x my:age ?a } log:implies { ?x s:age [ s:inYears [ s:inDecimal ?a ] ] } .
  { ?x s:age [ s:inYears [ s:inDecimal ?a ] ] } log:implies { ?x my:age ?a } .

and we could also say that graph <G2>
<K1> entails graph <G1>

and that graph <G1b>

  [ s:email <> ] s:age
    [ a xsd:duration;
      s:inYears [ a xsd:decimal; s:inDecimal "45" ];
      s:inMonths [ a xsd:decimal; s:inDecimal "550"] ] .

<K1> entails graph <G2>


PS <K1> is intended to express a specific "kind" of entailment
   which is in this case supported via N3 rules (and with ?var's)
   and I know that this is beyond our charter, it's just that I
   wanted to explain what's behind that "kind" of entailment...

Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 05:11:28 UTC