Re: Provenance and reification

At 08:08 PM 11/13/01 -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:
>True, but I would advise against signing two checks for $100 and then 
>trying to say that it was really just two tokens with the same *meaning*, 
>and that you only therefore only have to pay out $100 total.

I'm not volunteering to try this, but... if they had the same cheque number 
and all other details the same?

Of course, one way in which digital documents differ from physical 
documents is that it's trivial to make a perfectly undistinguishable copy, 
so the signing rules need to be adjusted accordingly.


Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>
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Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 07:37:12 UTC