RE: DATATYPES: mental dump.

> If there is no reasonable implementation of XML Schema, then 
> it might be
> necessary to produce a stopgap solution that incorporates only the
> primitive datatypes, but this should be compatible with a complete
> solution.

I'm concerned with terms such as "incorporates" such that we
would be defining an explicit, official data type scheme for RDF
which all data type schemes are mapped to.

I would be very wary of any solution which did not work equally
well for non-XML Schema data type schemes as it does for XML
Schema data type schemes. Surely we want to keep a light coupling
(if any at all) between RDF and XML Schema.

It's one thing to support XML Schema data types. It's another
to require them.

Eh? Or am I reading too much into such statements...?


Received on Monday, 12 November 2001 15:10:27 UTC