RE: DATATYPES: mental dump.

> With regards to
>> P++. (Pat)
> If we go down the XML Schema datatypes route the use of the xsi:type
> attribute to indicate type may well be appropriate... And give a syntax for
> allowing the additional type arcs on Literal nodes, without going beyond our
> current charter !

Jeremy, how would that be expressed in N-Triples?

Jos De Roo, AGFA

P.S. Some other dumps...

We think that "xyz" is *something* with literal representation 'xyz'
So "10" could be the number 16 (hexadecimal), 10 (decimal),
8 (octal), 2 (binary), etc.
If we have (in N3-without-contexts which is like N-Triples BTW!!!)

@prefix play: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
play:me play:shoeSize "10".
play:shoeSize rdfs:range xsd:decimal.

we can entail

@prefix play: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
_:x is play:shoeSize of play:me; rdf:type xsd:decimal.

and also

@prefix play: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
play:me play:shoeSize [ rdf:type xsd:decimal].

I find the 'is ... of' way of expressing things quite
convenient in that it allows to talk about literal values

Received on Monday, 12 November 2001 11:25:15 UTC