Re: Test case for duplicate properties

Art Barstow wrote:

> Regarding my action item to create a test case for the duplicate
> properties issue, attached is my proposed test case.
> Since this issue is not explicitly listed in the Issue Tracking
> doc (and I would not be opposed to getting it added), I propose
> the following location:

There is an issue

which contains a reference to

where the duplicate property issue was raised.

Do we have multiple issues here really.  One is whether a parser is allowed to 
spit out duplicate triples.  The other is an entailment, that a model with 
duplicte triples is equivalent to one without the duplicates.  I'm not sure 
which of these your test cases address.

Do you think all your test cases fit under rdfms-graph, or do you need a new 
location for this one?


Received on Monday, 5 November 2001 11:40:42 UTC