Re: action item on reification wrote:
> <> wrote:
>>> "Are members of the class rdf:Statement uniquely picked out by their
>>> predicate/subject/object properties?"
>> [while enjoying holiday/family time]
>> to me this is axiomatic when talking about a function such as
>> statement = triple(s,p,o)
>Well if this is true than we're going to need another class to undo this
>effect. The same triple can be asserted by multiple people and often we'll
>want to talk about the stating. Hmm, perhaps:
>    [ a :Stating ; rdf:value { :TestCases :utility :high } ]
>would work.
>(To DaveB, the {} in this example should resolve to a single reified

Well if you write in "an-aaron-uri"
  :TestCases :utility :high. (1)
then you (with "an-aaron-uri" as your representative)
have asserted statement (1).
Also if Dan Connolly writes in "a-danc-uri"
  :TestCases :utility :high.
then he (with "a-danc-uri" as his representative)
is asserting that *same* statement (1).
Now if DanBri writes in "a-danb-uri"
  { :TestCases :utility :high } :targetOf :sw. (2)
he's asserting a statement (2) with statement (1)
as subject (but he's not asserting (1)) and his {} is
acting as a representative for statement (1).
Of course (1) could be generalized to formulae
(having an identity which is strictly their content).

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2001 09:04:51 UTC