Re: Issue #rdf-ns-prefix-confusion

Dave Beckett wrote:
> >>>Aaron Swartz said:
> <snip/>
> > I understand this -- what I don't see is why we can't state that they MUST
> > be ignored, rather than destroying the whole chunk of RDF that contains
> > them.

Don't go there. i.e. don't get into "if the document
is broken, here's how you should interpret it." Just don't.
There lies madness.

All the WG need do is decide these documents* don't conform.
That's it. Full stop.

This seems like sufficient justification:

> because:
>   1. They are already forbidden by the existing grammar rules - you
>      must have namespace-qualfied properties.
>   2. Existing systems handle them in different ways (die, use them
>      wrong, ignore them)

i.e. 1. the text of the spec can
lead reasonable readers to think that such documents
are forbidden, and

2. implementors have interpreted the spec to
say different things about these documents.

*RDF documents with attributes that are not namespace-qualified
(which, is the same as saying: RDF documents containing
attributes with no colons in their names).

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 12:50:43 UTC