RE: Draft Partitioning

ron said:
> jos said:
> > [...]
> > > I think it would be a mistake to not provide a mechanism for
> > > comments.
> >
> > we fully agree with that, so we can have
> >   <a> _:b#@@check with Art
> >   <c>.
> Note that the grammar suggested for comments was
>      comment      ::= ws* '#' string eoln
> where I assume ws = white space. So your example above
> would not be a legal comment.
> Given that '#' can appear in the URI-like thingies
> RDF uses, I would be very uncomfortable allowing any
> non-whitespace characters in front of it. We want software
> dealing with that format to be as simple as possible.
> But comments are a valuable mechanism, so some provision
> should be made for them.

isn't * meaning 0 or more occurrences?
actually in N3 it is allowed, and not giving
trouble with URI-like thingies, because they
are enclosed in <> (and literals in "")
although I agree that your proposal is
more straightforward.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 18 June 2001 11:58:49 UTC