Re: checking n-triple

Brian McBride wrote:
> What tools can be used to check n-triples.

If you just want to check the syntax of an n-triples file,
I suggest one of the little perl ditties I made up:

But it sounds like you want to check that two n-triples
files are equivalent, or convert from n-triples to RDF/xml
and back, in which case you'll need something like cwm
or Euler or a little time hacking in prolog ...

>  Aaron suggested cwm.  Where can
> I get that from?

or from CVS

ArtB managed to install it an took notes on what it takes...
Art, have you made that publicly readable yet?

>  Any others?  Euler?  Needs to run on a win2k machine.

TimBL runs cwm on a Win2k machine, I think.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 15 June 2001 02:05:41 UTC