SiRPAC release 1.17 - includes NTriples support

I modified the W3C's online RDF sandbox (aka online SiRPAC):

so that if the user selects the "list triples in N-Triples format"
checkbox, the subsequent page will contain a list of the
RDF's triples in the n-triples format (instead of a table of
the triples).

I also created a new release (1.17) of SiRPAC that includes
the N-Triples support as well as some bug fixes that I've
commited since the 1.16 release: 

To get n-triples output from the command line, do something

 % java -classpath SiRPAC-1.17.jar \
       org.w3c.rdf.implementation.syntax.sirpac.SiRPAC \
       -ntriples \
I've done a little testing and it seems to work OK.  I've done no 
work with quote escaping in the object.

Received on Friday, 8 June 2001 17:25:14 UTC